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Ingame: Virtual reality enabled Page 9
Ingame: Virtual reality enabled Read online
Page 9
Once again we made our way down the pathway, stopping occasionally when I could go no further, until we finally arrived, at a house, a building I could not tell. Hearing a door open I was again guided forward and then pushed against something. At this point I felt a pressure on my shoulders and sat down, once sitting an arm went around my back and under my legs and I was lowered to a rest on some kind of table.
My state of disconnect continued and I felt my head swimming, my thoughts were adrift in pain and turmoil. I could hear a door open, but could not process the words that I heard next. “Well, you are all kinds of messed up.” Swinging my head around I tried to speak, but the damn muzzle gave my words the sounds of a mad zombie. “What did they do to you; you must have really made the Gods mad. Suddenly I felt a hand on the back of my neck and the clasp was opened and the muzzle fell to the ground.
I wanted to thank whoever was helping me, but the first words I uttered were “water please.” After having someone or something dribble water into my mouth I felt amazingly refreshed. The pain was still there and the difficulty thinking, but still that water worked better than any healing potion. Finally able to thank you for whoever was assisting me, I tried to sit up. A gentle hand held me down and the Voice spoke again. “Boy, you are looking worse than any of us. With that muzzle on and your bloody eye sockets dripping, you frightened the poor young shades here.
I nodded and tried to speak, “sorry, I had no choice, I was thrown into this.” All Good boy, all good, in fact, it saved you. You looked enough like a poor Zombie that the mists and haunts thought you were one of us, or about to become one of us. That is why they brought you to me, to ease your passage to our side of the veil.
“I am sorry sir, I do not understand my head is all messed up, have I joined you across the veil, am I dead. I feel a lot of pain and if this is death, then I guess there is a hell.” “Lad, believe me, there is a hell, however, this is not it. You are in pain because you were tortured and then thrown into the Kradula to die. Whoever did this had no intention to have you live.”
“Listen, son, I do not have the power I had when I was alive, but I will do what I can for you. Before I was a monk here at the Kradula, I had spent years as a traveling shaman seeking wisdom. I will try to cast a healing spell on you. Know though that the power goes with death, and I should have gone with it also, but I stayed for the sake of the little ones here. But what I have left I will give freely to you.
With that, I could feel the ghostly shaman, place his hand on me and begin to chant. The once powerful healing spell eased my heads pain somewhat but could do no more. Looking down at me the old ghost spoke again. “I am sorry lad I cannot give more. This vaporous’ shell just cannot hold or direct the elemental energies any longer it is just too weak to contain the power.
Nodding my head I whispered “thank you” and then fell asleep on the table. The old shade stared at me shaking his head and looking puzzled. Glancing down at the mist the old shaman saw a figure of a small child. Speaking softly he said, “I know little one, he is standing in the doorway, he might become a part of the Kradula or he might not. Only time will tell.”
Coming awake brought no peace or light to me. My eyes could not open and I could not see. The old shade had splinted my arm, above and below the break. My head was healing; the little power remaining in the shamanic spell had done enough to take care of the concussion. Emotionally, something was broke, my mind wandered and I could not feel any depth to my emotions. Days may have passed as I simply sat in the lotus position. I had tried to meditate but my thoughts and feelings were shallow and sporadic.
I listened to the sounds of the Kradula, the soft steps of the small children and the heavier footfalls of the larger ghouls. I was briefly was curious about what had happened here and then that thought faded. After a time, the old spirit of the shaman approached me, “Boy it is time for you to do something or you will fade away and join us forever.”
“What can I do I am blind,” I tried to shout but the words came out soft and without emotional feeling. “Yes you are but not having eyes does not make you blind. How do you think elementals see? Do they have two soft and squishy pieces of meat to see with? They are made out of rock. My friend Laeki is a rock elemental that could see so much more than I,” the shaman spoke sadly. In my anger I yelled out, “Then call him and ask him how he sees, because if I could see I could have my vengeance and that is the one thing that keeps me going in this dark and desolate place.”
Feeling somewhat ashamed at my outburst I turned towards the old shade and apologized. “No boy I must apologize, for I see what you cannot both physically and mentally. “I will call Laeki, and perhaps with his help, you will see once again.
Once again my thoughts were washing around in a sea of confusion and doubt, the only strong feeling I had was one of anger perhaps even hate, when I thought of the Jackass and the people who had joined his house.
As I sat there I heard a deep rumble and then a click clock of heavy movement and felt a presence stop in front of me. “What have they done to you little brother?” The words were slow and heavy, I instinctively knew that whoever it was in front of me was ancient, far older than anyone I had met Ingame.
“Who are you?” my voice had an odd inflection to it, I felt like I should know this ancient being, but the knowledge was floating just out of my grasp. I am Laeki, the friend to Shaman Oaktree; he has called me up from the depth of my home to ask for help for you. “Can you give me my sight back?” I asked my voice cracking. I could tell he was staring at me, evaluating me. “I can help you but we must return to mother, only she can heal the deep scars.”
“Who is the mother and where is she?” I was eager to go anywhere if there was a chance to see again. Again I was aware that he was observing me, so it did not surprise me when he said, “Come and see, you will then be able to remember all that is lost.” As I nodded yes a hand as hard as a rock grasped my shoulder. With a rumble, we began to descend. “Where are we going Laeki?” Perhaps because of my blindness, I was aware that we were traveling at a great speed far faster than I had ever traveled, and we seemed to be heading down, straight down.
Chapter twenty four: Family
As we descended into some kind of a rock bubble, the rock elemental released his grip on my shoulder and then slowly spoke, “What has happened to you, my brother. I did not know how to respond as the events of the recent past were blurred and painful to recall. Suddenly I did recall one thing, it was looking at the messenger of the Gods and thinking of how prideful he was and that Biblical passage, “Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” I thought about that for a while, maybe my subconscious was once again telling me something.
It came slowly, the feeling of anger until it suddenly broke upon me like an ocean wave on the rocky shore. Pride, was it my downfall? Not a fucking chance, and with that my head began to clear and the swirling emotions that had been overwhelming to me began to recede. With trembling hands I reached into my bag and pulled out the makings of a smoke. Working slowly I rolled one, it's a little more difficult when you can’t see what you are doing, and then lit up.
Taking a drag I held the smoke in for a minute and then exhaled. As I worked my way through both the smoke and my thoughts I began to achieve a sense of balance. Not inner peace, that was for the people who sold candles at airports. I did not want peace; I was hungry for recompense and was done with the partiality of the game. The fact that the Jackass had arranged for the game to be changed in such a way that benefited him no longer mattered. That would be addressed I promised myself.
Even my capture and subsequent torture no longer burned like a fire within my breast, I was filled with anger at the injustice of it but not overwhelmed. I would be returning to the city, and when I did come back, an action long overdue by the Gamemasters would be taken. The Gm’s were supposed to ensure that this kind of thing did not occur. The lack of a response spoke of a problem that probably extend
ed beyond the game and into the real world.
Time passed with my thoughts becoming stronger and my will beginning return. The elemental turned and looking at me spoke, “I will tell you the tale of how the world was made and how the Gods came into being. The history of men and the other races and how it all began.” I nodded my head and thanked him then listened.
“In the beginning, there was Gaiatoci, the earth mother who is the center and who provides for all. Being alone for millennia she became lonely for she is love and love is strong when shared. She brought forth the first of her children, the Dragons, those who were born of fire and shadows. Then she birthed the stone elementals out of here thoughts.
We were the first children of Gaiatoci and we lived in love and harmony with her and each other, little brother. As time passed she looked at us and loved us and wanted to share that with more, so the Gods were called forth by her word and she looked upon them and blessed them.
Over time more children came forth, living things of the water than the land. Then the dwarfs, and the elves and the other races were all called forth. Not given the eternal life as the eldest children were but given a divine spark of life within that would be freed upon death to return to the love of the earth mother. And finally man, the weakest and short-lived of all the children of Gaiatoci.”
Here the rock being shook his head and sadness echoed throughout his next words. “They were children that Gaiatoci loved the as the last born, created to be with her forever, for they would not die in her presence.” “What happened?” I asked my thoughts wondering at the story. “The Gods,” sighed Laeki “The Gods happened.” I thought back to my world, where in the name of God many terrible things continued to happen, and nodded my head.
“The Gods over time became jealous of the love of mankind for Gaiatoci and slowly led her children away from her, first to the Roundland and then to the Topland. Once removed from Gaiatoci man began to change and the Gods each encouraged this. Not caring for love, or man or each other they only wanted to deprive anyone of what they did not have.” “This is what the Gods taught man and after leading man as far away from Gaiatoci as they could the Gods then abandoned them alone on the Topland.”
“What happened,” I asked my voice quiet and soft. “Seeing the plight of mankind the Eldest among us the dragon of shadows, the firstborn left the comfort of his mother and ascended to the surface. Having heard the cries of her children and seeing them lost in their ways, Gaiatoci blessed him and gave him the ability to become a man and walk among men. He guided them and taught them, restoring knowledge and wisdom to the people who now had spread out among the Topland.
As he was doing this the Gods were also at work slowly moving all the races away from the Roundland and up to the Topland. “Why?”I asked. “Only the Gods know, we have long speculated that pride entered the hearts of the Gods and when they saw that Gaiatoci loved all of her children they were moved by bitterness and jealousy. They desired to be first in her heart, not knowing or caring that her love is the same for all her children.
After tens of thousands of years, all the races now lived upon the Topland away from Gaiatoci and the Gods returned to her. Seeing only us the eldest of her children, the Gods believed that they could receive all her love. When Gaiatoci asked why they had taken her children away from her, they became bitter and angry.”
A mother’s heart does not stop loving any of her children she told them, but in pride and anger they then turned away from her and left never to return. And now all the children of Gaiatoci live on the Topland where she is not even a memory.”
What happened to the eldest, the dragon, the one that had left the presence Gaiatoci to help mankind.” “The other Gods returned to the surface and began to manifest themselves to all the races. They were determined to wipe the knowledge of the Roundland and the Earthmother from all.”
“They began to demand worship and with acts of power and displays of might swayed mankind from following the eldest. Eventually, they convinced Man he was just a legend, a myth, the unknown God.” Once men were established in the new ways the Gods began to fight amongst themselves, until few remain.” They have become vain and jealous, and care not for mankind or each other, the darkness has begun to fill them.” “That is the story of our family little brother; now sleep for the journey is yet long and you need rest.”
Chapter twenty five: Grandmother
I awoke to see the sky except it was not the sky, it was land. There were clouds and forests and seas and mountains. I blinked and looked at the land where the sky should be. There in the middle was a blazing ball of energy. A miniature sun, but somehow different. I am sure a physicist would be having a cerebral high looking at the sun thing. I just thought the concussion was flaring up.
As I stood I could see I was on a balcony of a large building, with a sort of Greek temple architecture. I was at least four stories up; this gave me an excellent view of the world. Which off in the distance began to curve up to the horizon? And up and up and up. Guess those inner earth nutbars were right, after all, at least Ingame. It was an amazing sight, nothing really could describe it, I guess if someone were to look at an open sky and see the stars for the first time they would feel the same.
It was clear that I was in the middle of the earth and even more amazing was the fact I could see. I Could See. I reached up and closed my eyes and gently felt around my eye sockets and my eyelids. Something was wrong; there was no eyeball pressure against my eyelid, the sockets felt somehow wrong. What the hell.
Suddenly I was aware of a presence standing behind me. I could feel and sense the emanations of power and love coming forth from her. Turning I looked directly at the woman who now stood in front of me, she appeared to be in her mid-forties, with the same beauty that all women had Ingame.
I stood there staring at her until she spoke, “Hello my grandson.” “Gaiatoci,” I asked, suddenly feeling small and not worthy of her attention. She smiled as she looked at me and then suddenly took my hand, and said, “Welcome home, come walk with me as we have much to discuss.” Suddenly a game window opened and displayed the following quest details,
World Boss Gaiatoci, the Earthmother.
The Gods have decided the Earthmother must go.
Do you a mere mortal, respond to the Gods?
Will you accept this chain quest?
Be warned the Gods are a fickle bunch!
Rewards are unknown.
I stared at the screen and then suddenly Gaiatoci spoke, “That is an interesting challenge, quite a quest. I stared at her. “You can see the quest window?” I was shocked, this seemed to go against all the rules of gameplay; I stood there and looked at her. “How,” I asked, “can you see that window, it is player specific and no one else should ever be able to see it.” She smiled at me and then asked, “How are you able to see grandson when your eyes have been taken from you?”
I really wanted to know that myself, But she had the same aura that the unknown God had. Clearly I was not going to be flippant or a smartass. “I do not know Gaiatoci.” “Please call me grandmother, the eldest is my son, and it is his blood that is burning within you. We are all family.”
“Including the Gods, the ones who want you gone?” I asked, losing control of myself for a moment as I thought about all the assholes and especially the Jackass who was even now playing in the game. “Yes, including the Gods as they were. Not the beings that are demanding selfish worship and acts of crazed obedience and sacrifice. These are not my children. In my memories my children yet live. A mother does not forget her children.”
"So these Gods just wanted me to start a quest to destroy you, does that matter to you?” “Yes it matters, and it is hard. It is very hard for me.” “What do you mean,” I asked when suddenly another quest window opened.
World Quest
Gaiatoci, the Earthmother has asked for help.
If you agree, you must help protect the Earthmother.
nbsp; Her children, the Gods have declared that they wish her gone.
Gaiatoci has asked for the Gods to be removed from the world.
Be warned once you lift your hand against the Gods they will show no mercy.
Will you accept the quest chain?
Rewards are Unknown.
YES or NO.
Her voice was so sad that it took my breath away as I listened to her. “The world is full of many races and peoples. I have seen what the Gods are doing. It will only lead to war and destruction and all will suffer. I would not see the innocents pay for the pride of the Gods. Will you help?”
I thought for a moment, this was all happening pretty fast, but there seems to be a connection here that began when I first entered the game. I did not want to back the wrong side, but looking at the situation I wanted the good guys to win for a change. Taking my time I reached into my bag and rolled a smoke, lighting it I looked at this inner world. It seemed empty and lacking, having no purpose and no people. Everything had been stolen from it. “Yes grandmother, I will help you.” I mentally tagged the yes button on the interface and accepted the quest.
Once the words were spoken I knew I was committed, at least for a year. “Thank you, Grandson, now perhaps the world will have a chance. I bet you would like to know how you are seeing.” She said it with a smile. Looking at her I could only nod.
“It is all tied together, in this place so close to me the powers of the life-force grow ever outward. “How does that help me to see?”I asked. Gaiatoci began to speak, “On the Topland, you and the other visitors like yourself have come to the land, and been changed. You are not what you once were, but have become part of the land again. Some of the sons of man are sensitive to the life-force, and over time have developed a natural affinity to use it.